Altar of Stars
✧ The Subtle Body ✧ Vedic Teachings on Karma + Causal Reality

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✧ The Subtle Body ✧ Vedic Teachings on Karma + Causal Reality

Teachings from a talk I did earlier this year on the Subtle Body, from a Tantric philosophical lens. May it be helpful context for maneuvering the liminality of Pisces Eclipses!
Diagram of the Koshas

Hi my friends! I’m sharing a unique teaching with you here today, to provide some further context for what I spoke to in this Week’s forecast about the Pisces Eclipse. This talk is from some teachings I was doing earlier this year on Tantra* + the Subtle Body, and is over an hour (1:08 to be exact!) of magick from the Vedic philosophical lens on the Causal plane of our Karma.

In this teaching I am riffing on the intersecting concepts of the Causal + Subtle Body Anatomy, and the “Koshas” or “sheaths” as layers of the causal body. This audio recording is limited in that you can’t visually see the concepts I’m speaking to, which is vastly helpful for this subject matter — so I’ve included images here to give you visual reference! (These teachings are traditionally shared via oral transmission alone, so perhaps it’s rather fitting this way!)

I don’t often share these more esoteric teachings here, but something told me it would potentially be a good thing to do for those of you that are interested in diving deeper, especially considering the liminal + karmic nature of these Pisces eclipses.

Some terms for reference;

Sthūla Śarīra — “gross body”, dense body; made up of Annamaya kosha (food sheath, = physical body)

Sukśma Śarīra — “subtle body”, made up of Pranamaya (life-force), Manomaya (mind) & jñanamaya koshas

Kārana Śarīra — “causal body”; karmic plane, where seeds are planted + burned off. Consists of Anandamaya Kosha; “bliss sheath”, total absorption into Divine Mystery

*These teachings come from the Kashmir Shaivism + Shaktism lineages of Tantra, as well as some teachings from the Nath lineage. An Ode to my Teachers in gratitude.

गुरुर्ब्रह्मा गुरुर्विष्णुः गुरुर्देवो महेश्वरः । गुरुः साक्षात् परब्रह्म तस्मै श्री गुरवे नमः ॥


I hope you enjoy! Reach out with any inquiries!! xoxo T

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