Altar of Stars
✧ Week Ahead ✧ Sept 22nd, 2024 - Autumn Equinox + Libra Magick! ♎

✧ Week Ahead ✧ Sept 22nd, 2024 - Autumn Equinox + Libra Magick! ♎

This week is initiated by the massive time turner of Libra season, as it ushers us across the threshold of the Autumnal Equinox, with Venus in Scorpio at the helm!

Libra has a HUGE responsibility, as Cardinal Air and the initiator of the Autumn Equinox. Whereas its counterpart Aries gets all the fun of initiating us back into full-bursting spring, Libra must do the gentle work of reminding us that we must too descend into the darker half of the year.

Every year, the spirit of Libra comes as a loving yet knowing reminder of what must be. The truth of this sign is often overlooked and overshadowed by diminishing stereotypes of being flaky + flirty. Sure, maybe in our current socio-cultural dynamics this expresses as such; however we miss the true essence of Libra’s wisdom by watering down its powers.

Libra, ruled by Venus, Cardinal Air; a literal harbinger of the light that we must take with us into the darkness. As the Hermit hands off its lantern to Libra’s kind guidance, she turns the wheel of time to usher us into the entire other half of our life.

Libra is an initiation in the most literal sense, the embodiment of Persephone’s descent into the Underworld for half of the year. Libra will eventually hand off the lantern to Scorpio, who takes us into the heart of the underworld itself. This mythopoetic journey must be walked by all souls, and each year as the tides turn we are reminded of its importance.

We are also now in the heart of Eclipse season, no coincidence there. Within hours of the Equinox (Sept 22), Venus - the ruler of Libra - will enter Scorpio. The Goddess herself is preparing the path towards deeper truth within. Hecate guides Persephone across the threshold into darkness, beckoning towards the truth of the Soul.

A reminder that the ALTAR OF STARS ONLINE COURSE is open until Oct 8 at a very reduced rate! It won’t be offered at this low of a price again, AND you substack subscribers get a discount code to join!! More info below;

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