Altar of Stars
✧ Week Ahead ✧ Sept 1st, 2024 - VIRGO NEW MOON ♍

✧ Week Ahead ✧ Sept 1st, 2024 - VIRGO NEW MOON ♍

Monday, September 2nd, we have a New Moon in Virgo at 9:55pm EST. An opportunity to clean the slate from some of the disarray Mercury created, and get clear on what matters to us NOW!
The Vestal Virgins

Beloved Virgo, Vestal Virgin, Maiden of the Harvest. This week, we have a new moon occuring at 11* of this gracious Earth sign. As the luminaries come together in Virgo's sanctum, we are invited to consider the preciousness of our attention, as perhaps our greatest currency.

Where our attention goes, energy flows. If our mind is scattered, thus will be our experience of reality. Yet if we are focused, clear and intentional, these conditions will be reflected in our experience of life.

The New Moon occurs at 9:55pm EST on Monday, Sept 2... it is an opportunity to clear away some of the excess noise that has accumulated (especially from Mercury's retrograde) and get clear on where we would like to direct our attention NOW. Let the fuzzies of the past month settle, let yourself get still.

Virgo reminds us that our care and attention is sacred, and that ANYTHING can be the object of our devotion. When we treat our life, our bodies, and one another with reverence, we create the conditions for the divine to make a home there. What do you want to consecrate as sacred on this New Moon? Let your devotion be put into action.

I’ll be sharing Ritual suggestions and a Tarot card spread for the New Moon on Monday for Substack Homies, stay tuned!

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