Altar of Stars
✧ Week Ahead ✧ Sept 15th, 2024 - PISCES LUNAR ECLIPSE ♓

✧ Week Ahead ✧ Sept 15th, 2024 - PISCES LUNAR ECLIPSE ♓

We have our first partial Lunar Eclipse this week in PISCES, on Tuesday, September 17th @ 10:34pm EST. Initiating us into a new part of this wheel of life.
The Moon Tarot Card from the Thoth Deck, Major Arcana 18

My friends! This week is big. We’ve already entered eclipse season, making our way through those velvet curtains into the halls of great Karmic undoing. But there is an added layer of emphasis here, as we are ALSO being initiated into our first (partial) Eclipse on the Pisces-Virgo axis.

On Tuesday, September 17th at 10:34pm EST, we will have our very first Pisces eclipse. The eclipses occur on the “Nodal Axis”, aka, eclipses happen when the luminaries (sun + moon) are conjunct the North + South Nodes. New + Full Moons always occur on an axis, same as the calculated points of the nodes themselves.

Since July of 2023, the Nodes have been transiting thru the Aries-Libra axis. This has illuminated topics around our own personal power, boundaries, people-pleasing tendencies, and how to balance the full spectrum amidst being utterly human. We’ve also seen War escalate since the first rodeo of these Eclipses in October 2023. Prayers for a Free Palestine ongoing.

Now, this partial lunar Eclipse in Pisces gives us a sneak peek of what’s in store for the new cycle we’re beginning along the Pisces-Virgo axis. Specifically, the North Node (what we’re moving towards / Rahu) will be in Pisces, while the South Node (what we’re working to release karmically / Ketu) will be in Virgo. The axis will officially shift January 11th, 2025, and stay there until July of 2026.

Stay grounded, my friends. Eclipses have a way of stirring sh*t up, especially from the subterranean realms when Pisces is involved. Incorporate EXTRA sleep, grounding practices, and meditation galore. Spiritual + Psychic Protection can be helpful, but lean into creative catharsis + embodiment practices. Try not to make any big-ticket decisions until later in October.

For those that like to track lunar cycles; our next (total official) Eclipse on the Pisces-Virgo axis will be March 13th, 2025. This week will be a good callback moment to return to as reference for the cycles that are emerging for you. We will also have one final partial eclipse in Aries on March 28th, 2025 — closing out the teachings that have been ushered since Summer 2023. It can be helpful to reflect clearly on what’s ending, and what’s beginning ~ in process. Eclipses are times of BIG karmic alchemy. Paying attention serves our growth well!

» Tarot Spread, teachings on the Karmic / Subtle / Causal Body, and Vedic Myth Storytime will be released for Substack Patrons soon. Join in to explore more deeply! Thanks for being here beloved ones, be gentle with yourselves + one another! <3 xx

A REMINDER that the ALTAR OF STARS: ONLINE COURSE is now open! Substack patrons receive a MAJOR discount until my birthday, October 8th! Join us at the Altar to Learn the Language of the Cosmos!

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