Altar of Stars
✧ Week Ahead ✧ April 21st, 2024 - FULL MOON in Scorpio! ♏

✧ Week Ahead ✧ April 21st, 2024 - FULL MOON in Scorpio! ♏

This week, the big ship of our life sets onto its new course with clarity in tow, under the Full Scorpio Moon! Returning to our place of center, personal power + steadfastness in the path of life.

Fresh out the gates of Taurus season with an electrifying conjunction between Jupiter + Uranus, we enter this week with a renewed sense of clarity in regards to the path ahead.

Tuesday the Full Scorpio Moon reminds us of the power of our emotionality, our sense of self deeply informed by the Truth of our emotional experience. Give yourself time to process + compost some of what emerged for you over the past month, and offer it back to the Earth + Waters.

Mercury goes DIRECT after a nearly month-long retrograde, bringing further clarity as it turns around right on the North Node point. All the harvest from your eclipse season teachings finds a place of integration + awareness here, to carry with you and inform the movements of the coming weeks. May clarity emerge with ease!

The weekend is all about beginning to DREAM again, as Mars comes conjunct Neptune in Pisces. Let yourself be inspired by the medicine of imagination, considering the possibilities of what could bloom in your path ahead. Then, make tangible action steps to bring forth real growth + possibility! Dreams taking shape in our a tangible reality!